Monday, March 30, 2009

Alpha and Omega thing

Kalyn was sick all weekend long with a sore throat. A trip to the clinic reveals strep throat. I am so tired of sickness! I banish it from my family! Get thee behind me, Devil! Okay, enough of that ..... back to the story. Kalyn didn't go to her Sunday school class or children's church. She stayed with us. The choir did a song with a lyric that said " You are Alpha, Omega." Kalyn leaned over to me and said " I don't get this Alpha, Omega thing." I explained that Alpha meant beginning--- Omega means end. God is the beginning and the end, He will be here for both and He is everywhere in between. She nodded like she understood. In a few seconds, she pulled on my sleeve and said" Wouldn't it be easier to just call him "GOD"?

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