Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our insightful girl

Our family attended the burial of a brother of a high school friend last Friday. Just as the funeral was ending and they were starting to the cemetery, it started to rain. We sure didn't want it to rain on them so Steven asked Kalyn to pray that the rain would stop. He said he didn't think it rained another drop. That girl can get some prayers through, I tell ya! She has gotten us through more than once.

One night this week, Kalyn and I were sitting in the floor playing a game. A commercial came on TV, something about seeing changes with our new president. I kinda snickered and said" I haven't noticed any changes yet." Kalyn said "I have. We've changed churches." What could I say? She is right. Her life has been impacted also, turned upside down and slightly chaotic at times. I guess we have experienced more changes lately than I realized. And more yet to come.

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